31 ianuarie 2017

10 motive pt a intra in comunitatea Blogal Initiative

De 6 ani, pe Blogal Initiative s-au dat premii de aproximativ 200.000 de euro.

De ce sa te inscrii?
1. ajuti un prieten daca te inscrii la recomandarea lui. Primeste 20 puncte
2. ajuti un prieten sa intre si el in aceasta comunitate
3. iti poti face prieteni, deoarece BI este o buna modalitate de networking
4. castigi premii garantate
5. castigi premii speciale
6. castigi vizibilitate si trafic
7. castigi puncte si un loc in clasament
8. poti folosi punctele sa cumperi produse de care te poti bucura tu sau cei dragi/sau chiar face un ban in plus daca le vinzi
9. castigi colaborari cu alte firme
10. inveti mereu ceva nou

Daca te inscrii, nu uita sa ma mentionezi si pe mine :)

Cel mai important premiu si cel mai scump a fost o bratara fitness Sony de la Evomag (cca 180 lei).

De ce Blogal Initiative?

De ce particip?

Pentru ca e un exercitiu care ma provoaca sa scriu. Functionez bine cu deadline-uri si scriind mereu ceva, imi vine pofta sa scriu. 
Si va dau niste exemple: desi nu e mereu culmea extazului sa scrii despre ceva cu care nu rezonezi, imi vine pofta de scris si atunci cand citesc o carte faina sau aflu ceva interesant, ma apuc si scriu pe blog. In felul acesta, scriu si in romana si in engleza. 

Au fost cateva, nu le-am contorizat, dar cel mai important premiu este Bratara fitness de la Sony pe care mi-o doream. Trebuia sa scriem despre ceva care ne ajuta sa facem miscare (de la Evomag) si eu care imi luasem o bicicleta magnetica, pe care o folosesc si aveam si poze si tot. Premiul cu bratara era premiul III parca, dar eu pe asta mi-l doream si se pare ca a fost sa fie :)

Tot asa din suflet al scris pt Kerrygold, m-am dus sa cumpar unt :) Nu m-au premiat dar m-am trezit cu ei la o luna ca vor sa imi faca o surpriza si mi-au trimis acasa 8 produse Kerrygold: branza, unt. Dragut!

La Scoala Flanco, am castigat vreo 5 carti, iar articolul a fost foarte citit. Tot de la China Birta, am castigat un bax de bere care a devenit o carte (cu acordul meu) si tot prin el, am primit o sticla de vin. 

Am mai castigat un voucher Flanco de 100 lei cu care mi-am luat o baterie externa de 10000 mah. 

De la Bucurie in miscare, am primit un set tricou, sapca, breloc. De la Centrul Polonez un premiu in carti, de la partenerii de pe Craiova Blogal Initiative vin, branza, invitatii la film. 

Si mici alte chestii pe care le-au primit toti cei care scriau: ceai, sirop, un set de cutite, o carte si vreo 2 vouchere de la Zorile Store (50 si 70 lei, concretizate intr-un set tricou si sort). 

Am castigat si o licitatie pentru WoW, multe puncte, vizibilitate. 

Poate par marunte, dar sunt chestii faine care te fac sa zambesti si sa daruiesti si tu, mai mult, la randul tau. 

Asa ca multumesc :)

Daca te-am convins, inscrie-te si tu pe https://blogalinitiative.ro   si nu uita sa spui cine te-a adus acolo (Puiu Silvia, cu blogul http://rayuela-rayuela.blogspot.ro/). Primesc si eu 20 puncte pentru asta.

24 ianuarie 2017

Tv Show Time - my fav app

I love tv series and I always felt overwhelmed trying to remember the dates for the new seasons or new episodes and so on. I do not remember the exact moment I found Tv Show Time, but this app is like a genius :) It reminds me to check new episodes, you even receive some badges and who does not love badges? I am a geek, I know.  You can make short reviews, you can vote actors, episodes, you can make some friends to talk about your favorite shows. 

I love it! 
If you find out about a tv show that it is not launched yet, you can add it to your list in TV Show Time app and you will be reminded that day. Awesome!

For example, one my favorite shows are: Homeland, Grey s Anatomy, Ray Donovan, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, The Man in the High Castle, Hannibal, 24, X Company and many others :)

What are your favorite tv shows and how do you keep the record for new releases? :)

2 ianuarie 2017

Joy on Demand - a relaxed review

I received this book on December 27. It was a gift from Project Happiness, because I completed the Happy Scavenger Hunt during November. 

For those who do not know, I am a teacher at University of Craiova, Romania and I coordinate a Marketing Circle for my students. In the above pic, I am with my students, at the end of the meeting. It is mostly nonformal education, extending beyond marketing and economics topics to volunteering, No Hate Speech Movement, CSR and so on. 

So, I have to say that I follow Project Happiness for a long time and I really love what they do: May calendar, AWEgust challenge, the Happy Scavenger Hunt, the EQ calendar in January and many others. I love their newsletters that motivate me and give me a boost of energy every day. 

So, when I saw I am one of those who won the book Joy on Demand by Chade-Meng Tan, I was really very happy or joyful in order to be in equilibrium with the book :)

I finished reading the book while I was using my stationary bicycle so I realized I can listen to some music, cycling more and reading faster. I was so amazed by the book and I finished it in two days, before New Year's Eve. I also realized that I am so lucky I know English (not as a native, but still, I understand it very well and I sometimes think in English). I read it as if it were in Romanian :) 

Really love it :) It made me smile and joyful

Even if I finished it so fast, I learned lots of things and exercises meant to increase your joy and your travel here on Earth. For example, you can do some minor exercises/reflections that will improve your life:

1. Breathe and be aware of that breath. This is simple, start with just one breath. 
2. If you use to complain a lot, reflect on this: the Universe is so big and your worries compared to that are nothing. So, let them go: your worries, your envy, your hate or other negative feelings you have
3. Belive in the virtuous cycle and spread this among your friends and people you know
4. Think of mortality. You will not leave forever but now, in this moment, you are ALIVE, so live.
5. The best moment is NOW and the best place is HERE. So, enjoy it!
6. Every hour when you are at school or at work, choose two persons and think that: I want you to be happy. You do not have to say it loud, only in your mind. It does not matter if you know them or not. Just think in a loving way about those people. 

There are lots of formal and informal exercises for meditation because the book is about how to integrate meditation in our lives. It is easy, challenging and life changing. You can bring joy into your life even in suffer. 

I really recommend this book because it is easy to understand and apply, it has lots of cartoons, funny ones and Meng is Meng: He was working at Google between 2000 and 2015. His job title was Jolly Good Fellow and he even had some courses at Google helping the other employees in reducing stress and increasing their inner peace and clarity of their minds. Other books written by Meng are: Search Inside Yourself (I really want to find this book), How to Master Your Mind in 100 minutes. 

I am really grateful for this book and I want to congratulate the team behind Project Happiness for the wonderful things they are doing and also to thank Meng for singning the book for me. 

I wish you all a Happy New Year with joy on demand and this can be brought into your lives through many ways: one of them is being kind and grateful.