4 aprilie 2017

A Good Morning Coffee @ Starbucks

Guest post by Laurentiu Badea

Woke up early in the morning and made my way to Starbucks. They opened up a new store at the Electroputere Parc mall in Craiova. We got one already, downtown at Mercur Shopping Center, but the mall is where all the buzz of the town... goes to drink some coffee. And good coffee, I might add. I'm not going to pretend I don't get tired once in a while, but it's nothing a strong cup of pure black energy won't fix. I consume it with a couple teaspoons of extra sweet energy to make sure I can't tell what's nightmare and what's hallucination anymore. 

But hey, you might not like it strong, you might like it latte, mocha, fresco, fredo or any other weird Italian word you pretend you know what it means. I don't know what macchiato or cappuccino means, but I still can enjoy a cup of that milky goodness. Want one? Want to know if it's really as good as your edgy friend bragged about it? Head up to Starbucks and give it a try. I did.

I was invited at this special opening event and was really impressed. With all due respect to the guys down at Mercur, to which I was also invited on opening day, this time I felt the atmosphere a lot more relaxed and fun. I got to drink a small, yet incredibly strong cup of Sumatra, mixed it with a piece of sweet cheesecake and then ordered a Starbucks Latte, to lighten up my blood pressure, and a toasty, buttery, warm croissant. It's inspiring to see the amazing and beautiful baristas and everyone at Starbucks smiling all the time. They're obviously passionate when they talk about the legacy of what this coffee store means to them and they seem happy to share their contagious love for coffee with everyone who steps inside.

If you think I sound like a kid in a toy shop, you should know I'm writing about Starbucks while drinking Starbucks coffee from a Starbucks mug. The only thing that would make this more awesome is if I was doing this from Starbucks, but nope, I'm doing this at home, which is much more interesting. Thanks to Starbucks CraiovaElectroputere for the awesome gift! This has been a marvelous experience for a humble coffee lover.

Deschidere cu pasiune la Starbucks Craiova Electroputere

Multumesc Starbucks Craiova si Evobrand, dar si fostei mele studente Catalina Serban, absolventa de Marketing, pentru invitatia la cea de-a doua inaugurare Starbucks din Craiova. Aceasta se afla la parter in Electroputere Mall, intrarea cu scarile. 

Am fost primiti cu caldura si cu o cafea Sumatra preparata cu un French Press. M-a impresionat managerul Adina prin pasiunea cu care a facut prezentarea, precum si zambetele tuturor angajatilor si reprezentatilor Starbucks din Europa. O prezentare bilingva la primele ore ale diminetii, in compania blogoltenilor si savurand o cafea aromata, a fost un mod perfect de a-mi incepe ziua innorata. 

Combinatia dintre cafea si New York Cheescake a fost extraordinara, taria celei dintai fiind completata de gustul cremos si fin al prajiturii.

Indemnati sa ne delectam si cu alte produse Starbucks, am ales un Salted Toffee Macademia Latte, iar prietenul meu Laurentiu un Starbucks Latte pentru inimioara :) Daca tot a venit in calitate de blogger fotograf, am facut cateva poze super interesante pe care le-am pus cover pe Facebook. Laurentiu a mai pregatit si un Gif cu taierea panglicii. 

Mi-a placut mult atmosfera calda cu care am fost primiti si cadoul aromat primit la plecare. Doresc mult succes echipei Starbucks si multe cafele savurate de clienti inspirati.

#starbucks #coffeelover

Pozele le puteti gasi pe pagina mea de Facebook - Deschidere Starbucks.
Photo credits: Laurentiu Badea